Everyone grabbed their gear. We were ready to fight. This was the battle to end all wars. This was our final dramatic push towards Jerusalem. This was the end. I looked up to the cliff above the valley where we were standing. He looked down on us then gave a shout.
We all stood at attention. “This is it,” shouted our leader. “We fight not for ourselves, but for our God.” We began our march.
“Stain the ground with the blood of our enemies.”
We met the enemy. The bullets began flying. He continued shouting, “ Fight! Fight! Fight! Bring God down from heaven with the gun's melody.”
Half of our men were dead. I had no clue how many men had died on the other side. I just knew I could see a small stream of blood flowing through the valley. I was hiding behind a pile of dead men. The bodies provided some coverage. Their sacrifices provided me with cover. I knew one of the men I was hiding behind. They were on my side of the battlefield. All good men. All dead men. All of them had been reduced to mere bullet shields.
I laid on the bare ground. A very ignoble act, but I did it so that I could aim better. I made music. BANG! BANG! BANG! Three round burst. An enemy drops. Another sacrifice to the bloody stream. I looked at it.
The blood from the fallen soldiers added itself to the stream of blood.
My gun added its notes to the song of war.
I looked up to the cliff. Our leader was still there. “Let the song of our–”
A bullet shot straight through his head. He fell down into the ever growing stream of blood. Another sacrifice. I could still hear the sound of his voice in my head. Let the beautiful sound of war bring gawd down from his throne. Let him drink from the river of blood. Let him take his earthly throne at Jerusalem.
A bullet tore through my shoulder. A second bullet went through my leg. Blood poured from my wounds. I was bleeding out. Blood from my wounds fed the raging river. I was the sacrifice now.
I tried to climb to my feet. I was greeted by a barrage of bullets. They tore through my chest, arms, and legs. I crumbled to the ground. My body rolled towards the raging river of blood. I gave a weak cough. This was the end.
This was not what I wanted. I needed to be there when God took his throne from the infidels. I had to see the face of God when our gunshots, our pain, our blood made him look at us. I wanted to see the joy our melody brought him.
I lifted up my eyes and saw him. I wish I hadn't. God was ... I cannot describe God to you. God just was God. Angels circled around him. There he was. I knew he had come down to commend me for my effort. Our effort, our cursing, our song of war had got his attention. This was what I was waited for.
God looked over the battlefield with calm, collect eyes. I wait for him to give me my salvation. Show me it was worth it.
He spoke, “This looks like a nice place for a mountain.”
God the cosmic architect.
He walked away using his hands to show the angels exactly what the new mountain would look like. His feet trampled on the few remaining combatants. Blood sprayed everywhere. God paid it no mind. He just kept walking. We were like microorganisms to him. I do not think he noticed we were here.
He had not heard our pain.
He did not want our blood.
He did not endorse our war.
He just wanted to build his mountain.
God the cosmic architect.
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