Attention fellow meatbags, your brain
is trying to murder your success. Yes, that two pounds of gray matter
inside your head that allows you to be you is trying to kill you.
How? Why? You and your brain have different priorities. Why?
Survival of the fittest is a lie. We
live in a world that is all about survival of the good enough.
Passing is passing. Your brain only wants you to live long enough to
reproduce, and raise your kids. That is it. It may sound mediocre,
but it is good enough. Nothing else. It takes a long time for
evolution to take place. The human brain floating around your skull
was built for roaming around plains and scavenging wild berries. Your
brain has not evolved to want to be wealthy and/ or successful. The
brain was built for survival in a world that no longer exists.
Humanity has changed its environment quicker than it can adapt.
A lot of modern day trouble can be
traced back to that one fact. The human brain has to navigate this
flashy, modern world with a brain that was not designed to do this
optimally. Since the brain just is not optimized for modern life, it
makes questionable choices sometimes. The brain is generally more
conservative than it needs. Journeying over to that area of the woods
may get you killed. There are a lot of animals that eat can people.
There are even more things that can hurt people. A small cut can lead
to a major life threatening illness. Starting a new business on the
other hand may not, but sometimes the brain can experience the same
fear in each situations. Your brain on the other hand may get those
two things confused. A prehistoric brain trying to work in a modern
What is the most common fear? Fear of
public speaking. Humans work well in groups. A lone human has a much
more harder time surviving. If you said the wrong thing in front of
your tribe, they could abandon you, or just simply harm you. One man
can rarely fight twenty and survive unharmed.
It made sense. Now the likelihood that
a crowd mobs you a bit smaller. We fear snakes, the dark, and public
speaking, but guns, electricity, and global warming are okay. Think
about global warming the potential to destroy our entire race. Think
about that and feel the fear. It is non existent.
Fear does not equal danger.
People are afraid of random stuff.
Sometimes people do not do things because of that. That is not living
life to your full potential. Do not allow your ancient brain to hold
you back.
Global warming can do.
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