Over time i have notice a trend in the way people gain success. It seems that you cannot gain without exchanging something. For example you give up time to gain skills that are fundamental to making money. I like to call this system of exchange the Conservation of Effort.
Everywhere i look i see people constantly bartering. I mean every time i look outside or walk around i see them bartering. Not with the usual goods you would think of though. These people were bartering with time, money, or anything else for success. Bruce Lee gained success after giving up time to train and get stronger. Investors in the stock market spend money to gain more money. Athletes give their time and bodies for possible fame. It is a thing for every day people too. Kids give up time to learn new skills and hopefully make money one day. Parents give up time and money to invest in their kid hoping he becomes rich one day. There seems to be nothing in this world that you can get without giving something. Yes even you the reader are a part of this. You have given up your time to read this right now and gain knowledge about the Conservation of Effort.
So everyone go out and see what you give up to gain what you want. I encourage everyone out there to comment the things they exchange to try to gain success. Also tweet your it putting #Conservation of Effort