This blog is a collection of the rants, musings, and philosophy of the fantasy writer John Kennebrew. You'll laugh, cry, and maybe try to burn down my house when read what I have to say about writing, life, and television.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Why New Year Resolutions Never Work
New Year resolutions have been around for a long time. Every year people look back on the past year and will say things they will change about themselves and their actions for the next year. However, most of the time people don't actually go through with their promises. They say they wont do this or that next year but end up doing exactly that. This is because for one people will forget that they made the resolution. I mean this is just something you thought up in the middle of the night. It's even worse for people who get black out drunk on New Years because they barely remember what they did let alone a single sentence saying what they wont do the next year. Another reason people don't go through with their resolution is simply because they don't have the motivation to do it. Since there are no real consequences for not going through with a New Years resolution most people just put it aside or never go through with it.
Now there are some people who follow their New Years religions. I believe if you were to actually remember your New Years resolution and find a way to motivate yourself you may pull it off. However, until then you are like every other person who fails at going through with it
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Get rejected like a boss
Rejection is impossible to avoid. No matter what you do(or don't do in some cases) rejection will come. That makes the question not when will rejection come, but what will you do now.
What now?
This is a question everyone has asked themselves at least once. This question is even more common among writer. We have that special book we have been planning forever. You finally get off your butt.(some writers ,especially me, are lazy) and start to write it. Day in and day out you pour our heart and soul into it. You hand it to your best friend and ask him to read it. He loves it. Then you send it off to a publisher. You wait and wait. Then the editor sends you a rejection email that says you suck.
What now?
Rejection just hit you in the face. What do you do?
There is only one thing you can do. You take the rejection as a challenge. Then you get better. Rejection is a challenge. That is all. Remember that. Next time bring out something even better. Let all of your rejections push you higher it. Remember a rejection is merely a challenge. John Kennebrew signing off.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Merry Christmas from the Other Side
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Reruns for Christmas
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Im Back!
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Conservation of Effort
Everywhere i look i see people constantly bartering. I mean every time i look outside or walk around i see them bartering. Not with the usual goods you would think of though. These people were bartering with time, money, or anything else for success. Bruce Lee gained success after giving up time to train and get stronger. Investors in the stock market spend money to gain more money. Athletes give their time and bodies for possible fame. It is a thing for every day people too. Kids give up time to learn new skills and hopefully make money one day. Parents give up time and money to invest in their kid hoping he becomes rich one day. There seems to be nothing in this world that you can get without giving something. Yes even you the reader are a part of this. You have given up your time to read this right now and gain knowledge about the Conservation of Effort.
So everyone go out and see what you give up to gain what you want. I encourage everyone out there to comment the things they exchange to try to gain success. Also tweet your it putting #Conservation of Effort
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Living in the Wild West
First of all being a cowboy was not an American invention. We may associate Americans as being the first cowboys but we weren’t. The idea actually came to us from the Mexican cattlemen. These cattlemen, called vaqueros, came up with all the cowboy lingo we know and love today. They even taught the cowboys how to be cowboys. Next point is that most cowboys during the time didn’t wear the iconic hats we believed they did. Most cowboys did wear hats they got that part right. They just weren’t the hats that we think they would wear today. The most common hat during that period is actually bowler hats. Yea that’s right bowler hats people. Your favorite cowboy, sheriff, or outlaw most likely wore a bowler hat. Either that or some other ragged hat to keep the sun off of them.
Now we're past all the physical differences between real life and Hollywood cowboys. Let's talk about how the badass things you think they did are untrue. You most likely think that cowboys would fight with Native Americans all the time. This isn’t true at all. I mean yes we did kill quite a few of them but that was the military. Everyday settlers didn’t get into skirmishes with Native Americans much. Only about four percent of deaths in the west were because of Native Americans. If you ever dreamed of being a sheriff stopping bank robbers you would be pretty bored. In the Wild West, bank robberies rarely happened because the vicinity of the sheriff’s. It was right next to the bank in a lot of towns. Many towns’ buildings like banks, sheriff’s offices, and general stores were side by side. Not only were they close together but they also were hard to get out of with only a front entrance. Another thing about the real Wild West was that their gun laws were stricter than they were today. At first, there was a lot of gun violence but soon after the government started to act. Towns put up signs prohibiting guns. Also the six shooter of the time was terrible. It was only effective at a range of about fifty feet and would burn your hand with every shot.
The Wild West is just not the glamorous place you think it is. Not only is a lot of it myth you would also have had to deal with terrible doctors and unsanitary conditions. Oh, and you would also be trying not to die from diseases or other means. So it was not fun in the Wild West being a death trap if you ever made it there. So now you can sleep easy knowing the Wild West was terrible.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Why the internet will murder your productivity
Ever went to Wikipedia to read about Christmas and then click the link to the article about Santa Claus? Then the article about Christen saints. Next thing you know an hour has past and you are now reading an article about a camel, that lives in the North South American Rain forest. What complied you to keep clicking article after article? Your brain. You know that thing inside your head that is always trying to kill you because it has not evolved to the survive the modern world.
Every time you learn a new bit of information the brain's pleasure centers react. The same as taking a hit of your favorite drug. The little micro high is designed to make you wish to learn more. Two thousand years ago this was great. This nature inclination towards learning was how things like gunpowder, fire, and the wheel were made. Man's innate need to study what is in front of him gave him an advantage over the rest of the animal kingdom. Man could bend the environment to his will in a manner no other animal could.
The environment has certainly changed a lot. Computers, 8 hour work weeks, and electricity are all recent inventions, that have drastically changed the world man lives in. The brain, on the other hand, had not. The same hunter-gathers of the past. This means your brain feels like it is unraveling the secrets of the universe, when in reality, you are just reading twitter.
How can you fix this every present issue? Set a limit to your internet browsing time. Take a alarms clock and set it for ten minutes. Upon hearing the alarm you should cease all internet activity and go be productive. Take back your time.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
The Other Side(part 4)
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Friday, October 9, 2015
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The Pirate Life
Dependence on Technology
Many kids and even some adults today do not know how to write a letter. Phones and computers have made it easier for us to exchange information. Emails and text messages have all but replaced hand written letters. This makes writing letters obsolete so people teach it less and less. Being able to read a map would be great if you got stranded on an island with nothing but a map and the will to survive. But wait i forgot most people don’t know how to read one. With the invention of the GPS maps are no longer needed as much so most people don’t learn how to use one. As you can see humans have started to become more and more dependent on technology. Being so dependent has eroded mankind's basic skills. Human beings worked so hard to get these necessary skills over the millennium. Some are becoming so dependent upon it they are starting to merge the virtual and real world. This is an example of the Tetris effect. It is associated with video games a lot of the time but the Tetris effect goes for anything. The Tetris effect occurs from repetition whether it be a video game or doing math. Pretty soon we will use technology so much that this will happen. You may be reading a book and try and tap it to turn the page. You may look in a map and try to tap it to zoom out. This is why we should move away from using technology so heavily. Technology like anything should be used in moderation. Sometimes we should put our devices away and learn some skills our forefathers worked hard to get. We should go out and learn to read a map or learn to write a letter instead of relying so much on our technology to do it for us,
Now I am not saying technology is bad. Technology has made life easier for everyone. I am just saying that people should not be so dependent upon their devices. So put down the phone sometimes. Put away the tablets and video games. Go out and pick up some new awesome skills.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
The Other Side (Canto 3)
Canto 3
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The Other Side (part 2)
Part 2
Canto 3 is here. You many begin reading.
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Monday, September 21, 2015
Old Fairy Tales vs New Fairy Tales
Friday, September 18, 2015
Reruns are Bad for You
Monday, September 14, 2015
The Other Side (chapter 1)
Chapter 1
A young man walked through a crowded hallway. To all of the mindless masses walking through the hall this young man began to disappear. That young man was me.Next installment
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Thursday, September 10, 2015
More Dead Than Living on Social media?
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Monday, September 7, 2015
Terrible Hollywood Trends:lying
Friday, August 21, 2015
Is School Necessary?
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Tuesday, August 18, 2015
God the Cosmic Designer
We all stood at attention. “This is it,” shouted our leader. “We fight not for ourselves, but for our God.” We began our march.
“Stain the ground with the blood of our enemies.”
We met the enemy. The bullets began flying. He continued shouting, “ Fight! Fight! Fight! Bring God down from heaven with the gun's melody.”
Half of our men were dead. I had no clue how many men had died on the other side. I just knew I could see a small stream of blood flowing through the valley. I was hiding behind a pile of dead men. The bodies provided some coverage. Their sacrifices provided me with cover. I knew one of the men I was hiding behind. They were on my side of the battlefield. All good men. All dead men. All of them had been reduced to mere bullet shields.
I laid on the bare ground. A very ignoble act, but I did it so that I could aim better. I made music. BANG! BANG! BANG! Three round burst. An enemy drops. Another sacrifice to the bloody stream. I looked at it.
The blood from the fallen soldiers added itself to the stream of blood.
My gun added its notes to the song of war.
I looked up to the cliff. Our leader was still there. “Let the song of our–”
A bullet shot straight through his head. He fell down into the ever growing stream of blood. Another sacrifice. I could still hear the sound of his voice in my head. Let the beautiful sound of war bring gawd down from his throne. Let him drink from the river of blood. Let him take his earthly throne at Jerusalem.
A bullet tore through my shoulder. A second bullet went through my leg. Blood poured from my wounds. I was bleeding out. Blood from my wounds fed the raging river. I was the sacrifice now.
I tried to climb to my feet. I was greeted by a barrage of bullets. They tore through my chest, arms, and legs. I crumbled to the ground. My body rolled towards the raging river of blood. I gave a weak cough. This was the end.
This was not what I wanted. I needed to be there when God took his throne from the infidels. I had to see the face of God when our gunshots, our pain, our blood made him look at us. I wanted to see the joy our melody brought him.
I lifted up my eyes and saw him. I wish I hadn't. God was ... I cannot describe God to you. God just was God. Angels circled around him. There he was. I knew he had come down to commend me for my effort. Our effort, our cursing, our song of war had got his attention. This was what I was waited for.
God looked over the battlefield with calm, collect eyes. I wait for him to give me my salvation. Show me it was worth it.
He spoke, “This looks like a nice place for a mountain.”
God the cosmic architect.
He walked away using his hands to show the angels exactly what the new mountain would look like. His feet trampled on the few remaining combatants. Blood sprayed everywhere. God paid it no mind. He just kept walking. We were like microorganisms to him. I do not think he noticed we were here.
He had not heard our pain.
He did not want our blood.
He did not endorse our war.
He just wanted to build his mountain.
God the cosmic architect.
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Friday, August 14, 2015
Open Letter to Death
You have been there since the day i was born. You just linger in the background watching me. Quiet and patient, you follow me day in and out. It feels like your getting closer and closer every day that passes. It's almost like you're a predator and I am your prey. You stalk and hunt me waiting for the right moment. When that moment comes you'll pounce and take me away forever. I wish you would just go away. I wish you would leave me alone. You never listen though. You just sit and stare at your prey. I tried to ignore you. That didn't work though. I would wake up every morning to see you staring at me. I would see you whenever i got into my car and went to work. I would even see you every single time i took a flight. I tried so hard to forget you were there but you would just keep getting closer and closer. After awhile I could even smell your pungent odor as I felt your breath down my neck. Then I realized that there just isn't a way to get rid of you. At first I thought i was the only one who experienced this. I believed i was the only one having to endure this eternal fear of you. Then I found out i wasn't. Every living person fears you. Since the beginning of time we feared you. I wondered how they got through it each day. The answer was to accept it. To accept the thing called death that hunts us all. To accept the same death that stalks every single one of us. We can only wait as it gets closer and closer. We can only be ready for when it comes to take us away. I'm not afraid anymore. Are you?
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Decoding Fear: Death
Monday, August 3, 2015
On Being a Writer
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Terrible Hollywood Trends: Guns
Monday, July 27, 2015
Can Jokes Ever go too Far?
I'm serious jokes cant go too far as long as the majority laughs at it the joke then it's deemed acceptable in our society. Imagine you are at a stand-up show and the comedian says something that deeply offends you. Now I want you to think about how many other people it might have offended I'll wait here while you do...(jeopardy music)...ok got an answer yet? Guess what its only about five percent of you at the most who are so deeply hurt by his words. So even if all five percent banded together and petitioned and what not no one would care because the other ninety five percent loved it. This is because fundamentally comedy is basically like a democracy where the majority rules what jokes are good and which are bad. However this argument also works the other way around. Since comedy is ruled by the majority this majority can deem some jokes going too far. For example whenever a comedian makes a joke that the majority believe has gone too far they flag it and talk about it and petition about. This can not only get the comedian to publicly apologize but also gives them a bad reputation for crossing the line.
Another reason jokes will not go too far because people do not like clean and innocent jokes. Think about a comedian who has made it all the way to the top without saying any obscene, racist, or political things that could offend someone. Absolutely no one because clean and innocent isn't funny. People love for comedians to say stuff they can not about society without getting scolded or called insecure. For example look at Anthony Jeslinik. He has made several darkly humored jokes about things that have happened from terrorist attacks like the Boston bombing and even to the theater shooting for Trainwreck. Yet he still has over three hundred thousand followers. If anything his tweets seem to make him more and more popular with every dark joke because people love it. They love to laugh about things that should not be laughed about and as long as people love these dark humored jokes the line will never go to far. On the other hand some people could argue that they aren't actually famous but infamous. Although these comedians get an innumerable of publicity it doesn't mean its all positive. Sure there are some who love the dark humor of some comedians but others absolutely hate it. Anthony Jeslinik may have over three hundred thousand fans but he also has large amount of people who want to see him kicked out of he industry because they believe his jokes have gone way too far.
Jokes can only go as far as people take them. Some think they go too far and Some think they do not. I don't believe there is a line to be crossed but other people dont think the same way as me. So ill ask the readers out there. Do you all believe there is such a thing as going too far with jokes?
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Terrible Hollywood Trends: 10% myth
In tons of movies they say over and over again that we only use a small percentage of our brain which is complete and utter nonsense. If we were only able to use as small of a percentage as these movies say we would practically be brain dead zombies shambling around not knowing what our true potential was. According to the movies if we could find a way to use the other percent of our brain we would unlock our true potential we will acquire a type of level up in cognitive and psychic abilities like we were in some type of role playing game. I mean look at the movies such as Lucy and Limitless where they both take magic drugs, although by different means, that make them a million times more intelligent and all of a sudden can read books in just minutes, learn other languages just by looking at them, and even at one point in time learn fighting techniques. In Lucy the main character even gains telekinetic powers that allow her to move stuff with her mind and even go back in time by the end of the movie. I still don’t understand where exactly they could’ve come up with these absurd notions that we can only access a minuscule part of our brain. The fact of the matter is we use all one hundred percent of our brains in our everyday life.
It may be true at one time we may only us ten percent of our brain but the other ninety percent is dedicated to other background tasks that we need for living. Our brain dictates which ten percent it needs to focus on at the time. Think about it when will the part of your brain for facial recognition be useful in solving a complicated math equation. Also when you use all one hundred percent of your brain in medical terms its called a seizure. Our brain is working overtime every single night actually to keep the body working and dreaming. So now everyone can sleep tight knowing that our brain works day in and day out and that there is no magic pill that can turn people into psychics and geniuses.
Reviewing Casting Shadows Everywhere
The book:
Today we shall be discussing a book that I just picked up for the shocking price of free. The title of said book is Casting Shadows Everywhere by Tim McBrains & L.T. Vargus. This story is about a 15 year old boy named Jake. Basically picture the narrator from fight club but with a much more squeaky voice. Then add a thousand pop culture references. And you have casting shadows everywhere.
The plot it was wonderfully unique Jake, the narrator from five club, takes lessons in many illegal things from the local crook nick, who happens to be similar to Tyler Durden. I assumed this is a coincidence, but as the philosophical musings of our narrator would fit in any chuck Palahniuk book. I spent most of the time reading attempting to decide what the actual main plot was. I decided it was either the standard can't get the girl plot line or the how far wil he fall plot line. These two ideas raged on inside my head for most of the second half as a book. And sadly I never quite figured that out.
Beginning: 5/5
Middle: 4/5
End: 3/5
It is an enjoyable read for the price. It had a multiple laugh out moments.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
The Illusion of Confidence
Okay you may think I am a bit crazy (I may be). Allow me to elaborate. First I want you to do me a favor. Please use your imagination to picture the most confident person you know. What makes you say they are confident. Is it the self-assured way they walk? The way their eyes never look down when faced with a challenge? The fact they do not burst into a flaming pile of non-confidence when speaking in front of crowds? Do you enjoy my rhetorical questions? Well I have one more.
What do all of these signs of confidence have in common? They are all external factors. Confidence is about what a person does. It has nothing to do with how a person thinks. You can appear confident no matter how little confidence you think you have. Anyone can become that confident person you imagined earlier (well not exactly like that person, everyone is a special unique snowflake of uniqueness). You just have to take it one step at a time.
Like all great journeys the path to confidence starts with a single step. First work on having a more self-assured walk and work on traits from there. Then all of these minor changes build air of confidence around you. Do the things confident people do. I believe someone once said motion makes emotion. If you keep acting in the exact manner as confident person does you will start to feel confident inside.
Now you may say there is no way you can act like a confident person. That is not true you just need practice. You need to repeat the actions a confident person would take in situations. You repeat the actions to create new neural pathways in your brain. You keep repeating these actions and the neutral pathways grow more complicated. Then once the pathway has been used enough it becomes second nature.
That is how we can all become confident.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Decoding Fear: The dark
Everyone fears something. We all know that. Have you ever wondered why? I hope to use my imaginary degree in philosophy to discuss these fears. The first one I choose to philosophize about is the dark.
Why are we so afraid of the dark? It is simply the absence of light. Right? But for some reason it feels so much more sinister. As kids it made us hide under our covers and call out to mom and dad. The vague shadow we could see became goblins or demons or some other type of monster. We would try to avoid it with night lights, but the darkness would always come.
I believe all of fearsomeness of the darkness can be explained easily. When it is dark you cannot see. It sounds simple but think about it. Your brain is a complicated piece of equipment. Its job is to interpret data and extrapolate facts. The lack of light means there is no data for your brain to take in. That lack of things to do allows your brain to just make things up. Think about it even as an adult you will still experience weird things when you look deeply at the darkness. That feeling that someone is behind you, the sound of foot steps, or maybe you can swear you saw someone walking through the dark. Things like this make the darkness eerie. Your brain makes the unknown strange and the strange frightening.
Or maybe there is something supernatural about the dark. Before the beginning, before God made light, there was one thing, darkness. It represents the chaos before the order that became the universe. On the other hand it could be the embodiment of the chaos inside of every human being sitting there waiting for the right moment to take over. Maybe that is why we are so afraid of the darkness that comes with each night. I guess the world shall never know.
wonderful Story about the dark.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The style of no style (part 2)
Okay my semi-faithful reader (yes I am talking to you specifically) last week I left you with quite a conundrum. How does Bruce Lee relate to writing advice? This week you get to hear the answer for the every day low price of free, but first we need learn a bit about Mr. Lee.
The man know as Bruce Lee first studied Wing Chung, a style of Kung Fu in China. The moment he began learn the style of Wing Chung he lost a bit of his fluidity. The moment he learned the to punch or kick he the Wing Chung way he lost the ability to see all the other ways in the hands and feet could be used as weapons. You could say the lessons in style stifled his creativity. Blah blah. <Insert Wikipedia page here>.
Blah blah. Bruce Lee realized that in this world there were many different marital arts that teach various aspects of fighting in different ways. Bruce decided that in order to become a great fighter he would study all aspects of fighting taught by the many styles. This led to, in the opinion of some, the beginning of mixed martial arts and the invention of his own style of marital arts.
And now we get to the important part. What does any of this have to do with writing? Well, as you probably know everyone is said to have their own style of writing. You also know to copy another writer's style is a grievous offense. You know also know there are common phrases everyone is told like “show don't tell.” You also know every genre has its own conventions, things that happen in a genre frequently. In order to become a truly great writer you must always be one the lookout for ways to improve your writing. You take in what you know will work for you and discard what does not.
That is the style of no style. You must always be look for ideas, advice, and maybe even plots that you like and then adding your own unique your own in order to produce the best possible book withou being unoriginal
Thursday, July 9, 2015
why you should write every day?
You have probably heard that as a writer you should write every day. Have you ever wondered why that is? Well I can answer that with one word. To form a habit (yes that is not one word). Writing itself does not sound too difficult. You sit at a desk, chair, any form of sitting apparatus and put words on to the paper. The moment you try to do it you realize it is much more difficult than it looks.
Writing is a much more daunting process than it looks. That blank page could be one of the most frightening things in the universe. Why? Because it makes you realize how insane you are. You plan to craft a story that is somewhere between 40,000 and maybe 80,000 words. That is utterly insanely difficult commitment and you will realize that. All those thoughts might make you quit writing before you even start writing because your brain is telling you everything that can go wrong in this new project. Your brain will tell you that you are wasting your time. You have to overcome these thoughts.
It is similar to pushing a rock up a steep hill. Every time you sit down and write you are shoving that rock a little further up the hill. If you continue to push hard on that rock you will make progress. Sooner or later you'll hit the top of that hill and momentum will pull the rock down the rest of the way. It will become much easier.
Once you hit your stride sitting down to write becomes much easier. The words will seem to flow from your brain. Why? Because the human brain is extremely good at adapting. When you force yourself to write your brain realizes writing is just another part of life. It becomes a habit no harder than taking out the trash or washing dishes. That is the kind of mind set that is hard to form without writing ever day.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The style of no style (part 1)
Everything has a style. This dictionary that I just grabbed defines style as “[a] method or manner of preforming a task.” Every job can be accomplished in many different ways. Each person creates their own unique style. This is how things how always have been. Then one day someone realized they could teach others to use their same style.
Then teachers of everything popped up. There are thousands of people with books, documentaries, and seminars on writing, getting rich, and life in general. All teaching their set style. Now set style is not always bad. You can only skin a cat so many ways, but some things are not as simple as skinning metaphorical cats (anyone want to explain what skinning a cat is). Writing is one such craft. Imagine if everyone wrote in the same voice, same sentence structure, same genre.
There would be no point in picking up another book. You would have already seen it all. The art would stop evolving. Everyone would just keep passing along same set of tips and trick making everything uniform.
The other choice is completely disregard any advice given to you by anyone. This would prevent you from absorbing anyone's style and it would allow you to keep your uniqueness. That option can go wrong if you suck at writing and let's all be honest most of us suck at writing. I suck writing. It would seem there is no getting around it. You will either fashion your style of writing after another or you will be stuck with the way you write now (which may suck). There appears to be no solution to this problem. That I will tell you later.
Hint: it involves Bruce Lee
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Short story- Mu
I was being mugged. Two boys were threatening me with deadly force, one behind me and one standing front and center. I had nowhere to run. I used to say today’s youth couldn’t be as bad as television says they are. Maybe I was wrong. Either way boys shouldn’t harass an old man like this.
“Shut up! Just give us the money,” said one of the boys when he heard this. He pressed the gun against my back harder. I put my hands in the air. I surrendered. “I don’t have any money.” The boy scowled. This looked grim. I tried to talk my way out of this. Pretending to be a confused senior citizen can get you out of all types of trouble.
I felt the gun butt collide with the back of my head. I fell to the ground. They weren’t buying it. No one respects their elders these days. Then it happened. Was it an accident? Were theses boys just that evil? I don’t know I never saw them again. I just know what I heard and felt.
I heard the gun go off. BANG! I felt the bullet tear through my chest. It tumbled upon entering. That made it hurt more. It still didn’t hurt as bad as I expected. Bullets are hot. It was the worse burning sensation I have ever felt. Still it could have been worse. Blood poured out of the wound. It’s funny how you never think about all the blood moving around under your skin till it ends up on the outside. All the oxygen and nutrients my organs needed were being spilled on the ground. Such a waste.
I was dying. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t have a choice. I did start think positive no more hearing aids, cataracts, or boys disrespecting their elders. Those were the promises of growing old. Death has no such promises. Death is life’s wild card no promises, no expectations, and no warning. Maybe death would be a paradise.
I could not be any more wrong.
I was dead. The official cause was blood loss. It was dark. I was scared. I screamed. There was no echo. No expectations. I waited for something to happen. Nothing happened. I could not see. I could not hear. This was death Mu, the void. No promises. I screamed. There was no echo, nothing. Years flew by this way. I was bored .I screamed. No warning.
Monday, June 22, 2015
An Open Letter to fear
Dear fear,
You have been there my whole life. When i was about to jump from an airplane. When i was watching my favorite scary movies. When i asked out the girl i really liked to prom. Your even there when i wake up in the morning. Night after night you have given me nightmares of gruesome scenes or simply me in my underwear in the middle of a crowd. Your always there to put doubt in my head. Saying you cant do it, you cant do it. I'm tired of you constantly hindering me from doing the things that i would love to do.