
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Terrible Hollywood Trends: 10% myth

Hollywood has many terrible trends that can be found in most movies and media.  Unfortunately a good number of the consumers today see and believe in them.  Then there are some people who miss the falsehoods entirely.  The first of the abundant Hollywood trends that I will prove wrong and personally annoys me the most is their ignorant concept regarding to the human mind that are completely untrue and made up.
In tons of movies they say over and over again that we only use a small percentage of our brain which is complete and utter nonsense.  If we were only able to use as small of a percentage as these movies say we would practically be brain dead zombies shambling around not knowing what our true potential was.  According to the movies if we could find a way to use the other percent of our brain we would unlock our true potential we will acquire a type of level up in cognitive and psychic abilities like we were in some type of role playing game.  I mean look at the movies such as Lucy and Limitless where they both take magic drugs, although by different means, that make them a million times more intelligent and all of a sudden can read books in just minutes, learn other languages just by looking at them, and even at one point in time learn fighting techniques.  In Lucy the main character even gains telekinetic powers that allow her to move stuff with her mind and even go back in time by the end of the movie.  I still don’t understand where exactly they could’ve come up with these absurd notions that we can only access a minuscule part of our brain.  The fact of the matter is we use all one hundred percent of our brains in our everyday life.
It may be true at one time we may only us ten percent of our brain but the other ninety percent is dedicated to other background tasks that we need for living.  Our brain dictates which ten percent it needs to focus on at the time.  Think about it when will the part of your brain for facial recognition be useful in solving a complicated math equation.  Also when you use all one hundred percent of your brain in medical terms its called a seizure.  Our brain is working overtime every single night actually to keep the body working and dreaming.  So now everyone can sleep tight knowing that our brain works day in and day out and that there is no magic pill that can turn people into psychics and geniuses.

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