Can some of the jokes comedians make here in the 21st century go too far? A majority of people are probably screaming at their screen saying yes they don't know where to draw the line. Now I want the readers out there to sit there and think about it long and hard. I mean has a joke from some comedian you don't even know ever hurt you on a personal level? I bet for the most part that answer is no. That's because there is no such thing as a line to cross when they make jokes. For that exact reason I don't believe that's jokes can go too far.
I'm serious jokes cant go too far as long as the majority laughs at it the joke then it's deemed acceptable in our society. Imagine you are at a stand-up show and the comedian says something that deeply offends you. Now I want you to think about how many other people it might have offended I'll wait here while you do...(jeopardy music)...ok got an answer yet? Guess what its only about five percent of you at the most who are so deeply hurt by his words. So even if all five percent banded together and petitioned and what not no one would care because the other ninety five percent loved it. This is because fundamentally comedy is basically like a democracy where the majority rules what jokes are good and which are bad. However this argument also works the other way around. Since comedy is ruled by the majority this majority can deem some jokes going too far. For example whenever a comedian makes a joke that the majority believe has gone too far they flag it and talk about it and petition about. This can not only get the comedian to publicly apologize but also gives them a bad reputation for crossing the line.
Another reason jokes will not go too far because people do not like clean and innocent jokes. Think about a comedian who has made it all the way to the top without saying any obscene, racist, or political things that could offend someone. Absolutely no one because clean and innocent isn't funny. People love for comedians to say stuff they can not about society without getting scolded or called insecure. For example look at Anthony Jeslinik. He has made several darkly humored jokes about things that have happened from terrorist attacks like the Boston bombing and even to the theater shooting for Trainwreck. Yet he still has over three hundred thousand followers. If anything his tweets seem to make him more and more popular with every dark joke because people love it. They love to laugh about things that should not be laughed about and as long as people love these dark humored jokes the line will never go to far. On the other hand some people could argue that they aren't actually famous but infamous. Although these comedians get an innumerable of publicity it doesn't mean its all positive. Sure there are some who love the dark humor of some comedians but others absolutely hate it. Anthony Jeslinik may have over three hundred thousand fans but he also has large amount of people who want to see him kicked out of he industry because they believe his jokes have gone way too far.
Jokes can only go as far as people take them. Some think they go too far and Some think they do not. I don't believe there is a line to be crossed but other people dont think the same way as me. So ill ask the readers out there. Do you all believe there is such a thing as going too far with jokes?
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