
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Your brain is trying to kill you

Attention fellow meatbags, your brain is trying to murder your success. Yes, that two pounds of gray matter inside your head that allows you to be you is trying to kill you. How? Why? You and your brain have different priorities. Why?


Survival of the fittest is a lie. We live in a world that is all about survival of the good enough. Passing is passing. Your brain only wants you to live long enough to reproduce, and raise your kids. That is it. It may sound mediocre, but it is good enough. Nothing else. It takes a long time for evolution to take place. The human brain floating around your skull was built for roaming around plains and scavenging wild berries. Your brain has not evolved to want to be wealthy and/ or successful. The brain was built for survival in a world that no longer exists. Humanity has changed its environment quicker than it can adapt.

A lot of modern day trouble can be traced back to that one fact. The human brain has to navigate this flashy, modern world with a brain that was not designed to do this optimally. Since the brain just is not optimized for modern life, it makes questionable choices sometimes. The brain is generally more conservative than it needs. Journeying over to that area of the woods may get you killed. There are a lot of animals that eat can people. There are even more things that can hurt people. A small cut can lead to a major life threatening illness. Starting a new business on the other hand may not, but sometimes the brain can experience the same fear in each situations. Your brain on the other hand may get those two things confused. A prehistoric brain trying to work in a modern era.

What is the most common fear? Fear of public speaking. Humans work well in groups. A lone human has a much more harder time surviving. If you said the wrong thing in front of your tribe, they could abandon you, or just simply harm you. One man can rarely fight twenty and survive unharmed.
It made sense. Now the likelihood that a crowd mobs you a bit smaller. We fear snakes, the dark, and public speaking, but guns, electricity, and global warming are okay. Think about global warming the potential to destroy our entire race. Think about that and feel the fear. It is non existent.

Fear does not equal danger.

People are afraid of random stuff. Sometimes people do not do things because of that. That is not living life to your full potential. Do not allow your ancient brain to hold you back.
Global warming can do.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Teleportation or assisted suicide

 A common staple of the science fiction genre is the teleporting device. This device may run on different kinds of made up science in each world, but the basics are the same. An object is disassembled in one place then appears in another place through science.

You may think a teleporter should send particles to the other machine to be reassembled. This does not seem too cost efficient in my opinion. A much more logical approach would be to scan in object in one machine. Then another machine would used this data to create and reassemble particles in the shape of the thing being transported. Does this sound good to you? No. I was not asking you sir.

Well, my smart reader you may realize this poses an ethical dilemma. In the creation of the logical teleporter. The original object would be destroyed. A person getting transported would be killed. In his place, there would be an exact clone. No one would be able to tell the difference

I can imagine multiple colorful uses for this technology. You want to die without depriving your friends and family of your wonderful company. Just step into the teleporter and brace yourself. Your life is over and a complete different person can finish your life for you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Annoying Hollywood trends :Time Travel

Time travel has been a popular plot device in science fiction movies for a while now. Protagonists for centuries have tried to get a second chance at life.  It is almost as if humans are obsessed with changing destiny, however, time travel when used as a story telling device almost never turns out well.

One reason for this is because time travel is an inherently complex concept. This in turn can make movies overly complicated. In the movie Project Almanac a hero erases himself from history by causing a time paradox. Directly after this one of the first scene from the movie is replayed, the protagonist finds a second video camera along with the original the details the adventure before the paradox. This makes no sense logically. The new camera should have disappeared along with our protagonist. Knowing this makes it much harder for readers to suspend disbelieve.  This could ruin the movie for some people.

Traveling into the future may seem to be a way to avoid paradoxes and the such. This however creates more problems. The future being a place that can be traveled to mean the it is set in stone. The ability to travel forward time means there is no free will. Every decision made by everyone has been predetermined. That thought ruins the suspense.

 It may be felt that this headache may be avoided by using the multiverse theory. This states that there are a infinite number of universes in an infinite number of configurations. This would make time travel simple traveling to another universe that is in a similar state to the past. Paradoxes would not be a problem due the fact it is not actually the past. There is one flaw to using this as a device. You could not change your own world in anyway by traveling through time. There would be no point. A pointless adventure rarely makes a good story.

All in all time travel as a science fiction plot device should be avoided in my own opinion. It can be done well, but it has a high possibility of failing. A good author knows what he can do well, and he should not let people like me tell him what to do.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why New Year Resolutions Never Work

Hello and Happy New Year.  I bet many of you are thinking about this years New Years resolution.  Well I'm hear to tell you that most likely you wont follow through with it.
New Year resolutions have been around for a long time.  Every year people look back on the past year and will say things they will change about themselves and their actions for the next year.  However, most of the time people don't actually go through with their promises.  They say they wont do this or that next year but end up doing exactly that.  This is because for one people will forget that they made the resolution.  I mean this is just something you thought up in the middle of the night.  It's even worse for people who get black out drunk on New Years because they barely remember what they did let alone a single sentence saying what they wont do the next year.  Another reason people don't go through with their resolution is simply because they don't have the motivation to do it.  Since there are no real consequences for not going through with a New Years resolution most people just put it aside or never go through with it.
Now there are some people who follow their New Years religions.  I believe if you were to actually remember your New Years resolution and find a way to motivate yourself you may pull it off.  However, until then you are like every other person who fails at going through with it

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Get rejected like a boss

     Everything you love will reject you or die. This was me paraphrasing the author Chuck Palahniuk. No truer words have been said by an author of such questionable fame.
Rejection is impossible to avoid. No matter what you do(or don't do in some cases) rejection will come. That makes the question not when will rejection come, but what will you do now.
What now?
This is a question everyone has asked themselves at least once. This question is even more common among writer. We have that special book we have been planning forever. You finally get off your butt.(some writers ,especially me, are lazy) and start to write it. Day in and day out you pour our heart and soul into it. You hand it to your best friend and ask him to read it. He loves it. Then you send it off to a publisher. You wait and wait. Then the editor sends you a rejection email that says you suck.
What now?
Rejection just hit you in the face. What do you do?
There is only one thing you can do. You take the rejection as a challenge. Then you get better. Rejection is a challenge. That is all. Remember that. Next time bring out something even better. Let all of your rejections push you higher it. Remember a rejection is merely a challenge. John Kennebrew signing off.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas from the Other Side

Id just like to say Merry Christmas to all of my faithful readers who have stuck with me so far.  Oh and Happy Holidays to those who don't celebrate Christmas.  From the other side id like to thank you for hearing my ramblings for this long.  Have wonderful Christmas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Reruns for Christmas

Well my wonderful reader, we have arrived at the time of the year known as Christmas. Everyone is taking some time out of the year to spend time with his family. Some people may go out to the movies and see the vast variety of films available to watch. Once they go to the box office they may notice a trend. Hollywood is fond of sequels, prequels, spin offs, and reboots. Original ideas are not the coming to the big screen as often as they used too.
After visiting, I saw that out of the top ten grossing movies of 2015 six were sequels, prequels, spin offs, and reboots. That is a important piece to the puzzle. Sequels make money. If an idea worked once, why not do it again? It has a dedicated fan base and sequels have previously done well in the market. Making a sequel to a popular movie is low risk.
Hollywood is risk adverse. A billion dollars can quickly go down the drain if a movie flops. The times have changed. Movies cost more to produce. Less people go to the movies now compared to the early days of cinema.
Why?  The invention of the television and the internet. Going to the movies used to be an integral part of American life. The only place to see relatively cheap entertainment of that movies could provide were the theaters. Now we have televisions with over one thousand channels of mind numbing content. No need to go to the movies every other weekend. Going to the theaters is something special you do maybe four times a year. The brains behind Hollywood know this.
That is why marketing for movies is so important. Marketing costs money. Money is an investment. As we can see Hollywood does not want to risk it's money. When money becomes the most important factor in the creation of fiction, originality takes the back seat.  So we say goodbye to new awesome movies and have to settle with the same one retold once again.