
Saturday, January 9, 2016

Teleportation or assisted suicide

 A common staple of the science fiction genre is the teleporting device. This device may run on different kinds of made up science in each world, but the basics are the same. An object is disassembled in one place then appears in another place through science.

You may think a teleporter should send particles to the other machine to be reassembled. This does not seem too cost efficient in my opinion. A much more logical approach would be to scan in object in one machine. Then another machine would used this data to create and reassemble particles in the shape of the thing being transported. Does this sound good to you? No. I was not asking you sir.

Well, my smart reader you may realize this poses an ethical dilemma. In the creation of the logical teleporter. The original object would be destroyed. A person getting transported would be killed. In his place, there would be an exact clone. No one would be able to tell the difference

I can imagine multiple colorful uses for this technology. You want to die without depriving your friends and family of your wonderful company. Just step into the teleporter and brace yourself. Your life is over and a complete different person can finish your life for you.

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